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818 lines
* WADWHAT.C - print the contents of a DOOM WAD file
* by Randall R. Spangler
* Version 1.1, released 8/28/94
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <dir.h>
struct s_thing { /* Thing data */
short int x, y; /* Coordinates */
short int facing; /* Facing, in degrees */
short int type; /* Type of thing */
short int attr; /* Thing attributes */
typedef struct s_thing THING;
char contents[10][9] = /* Valid sub-entry names for a level */
char itemline[] = "\t%-20s %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld + %5d %5d %5d %5d\n"; /* Line of text for an
* item */
int isbrief = 0; /* If non-zero, is the skill level we're
* printing brief stats on */
int battr = 0; /* Matching attribute byte for brief printout */
int battrarry[5] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x04}; /* Attribute bytes vs.
* skill level */
FILE *savefile; /* WAD file whose things we're looking at */
long savefilepos; /* Save position in WAD file (where we were
* before we started looking at THINGS,
long thoff = 0, thlen = 0; /* Position and length of thing data */
long ldoff = 0, ldlen = 0; /* Position and length of linedef
* data */
long seoff = 0, selen = 0; /* Position and length of sector data */
long rjlen = 0; /* Length of reject data */
THING *th; /* Thing data for a level */
int numth = 0; /* Number of things */
char buf[256];
long countth(int type, int attr)
/* Returns the number of things of the specified type with at least one
* matching attribute bit. If the multi-player bit in <attr> is on,
* matches either single or multi-player; else matches single-player
* only. <attr>=(-1) matches any skill or multi-player. */
THING *t = th; /* Current thing */
int askill = attr & 0x07; /* Skill bits of attribute */
int amp = attr & 0x10; /* Multi-player bits of attribute */
long n = 0; /* Number of matches */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numth; i++, t++) { /* Search all things */
if (t->type != type)
continue; /* Wrong object */
if (attr < 0)
n++; /* Match all objects of this type */
else if (t->attr & askill) {
if (amp)
n++; /* Want single or multi */
else if (!(t->attr & 0x10))
n++; /* Want single only */
return n; /* Return match count */
long *countdiff(int type, long *dest)
/* Counts the number of things of the specified type at each difficulty
* level. dest[0]=L12, dest[1]=L3, dest[2]=L45, dest[3]=multiplayer
* only. Returns a pointer to the destination array, or NULL if error. */
THING *t = th;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
dest[i] = 0; /* Clear destination array */
for (i = 0; i < numth; i++) { /* Search all things */
if (t->type == type) { /* Matched type */
if (t->attr & 0x00010) { /* Multi-player only */
if (t->attr & 0x0001)
if (t->attr & 0x0002)
if (t->attr & 0x0004)
} else { /* Single-player only */
if (t->attr & 0x0001)
if (t->attr & 0x0002)
if (t->attr & 0x0004)
t++; /* Advance to next thing */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
dest[i + 3] += dest[i]; /* Single-player stuff is present in
* multi-player too */
return dest; /* Return match count */
long *addcountweighted(int type, long *dest, int weight)
/* Similar to countdiff(), but adds <weight> times the counts vs.
* difficulty to the destination array instead of just setting it to the
* match counts. Returns NULL if error. */
long nd[6];
int i;
countdiff(type, nd); /* Count the matches */
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
dest[i] += weight * nd[i]; /* Add a weighted result */
return dest;
int loadthings(FILE * f, long offs, long len)
/* Loads a map's THINGS data at offset <offs>, length <len>. Returns
* zero if error. */
savefile = f; /* Save WAD file handle */
savefilepos = ftell(f); /* Save position in WAD file */
fseek(f, offs, SEEK_SET);
th = (THING *) malloc(len);
if (!th) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory to hold THINGS\n");
return 0;
fread(th, 1, len, f);
numth = len / 10;
return 1; /* Success */
int freethings(void)
/* Frees a map's THINGS data loaded by loadthings(). Returns zero if
* error. */
numth = 0;
fseek(savefile, savefilepos, SEEK_SET);
return 1; /* Success */
void printitem(char *desc, long *arry, int double1)
/* Prints an item's presence at all skill levels. If double1, doubles
* the numbers in columns 1 and 5. */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (arry[i])
if (i == 6)
return; /* Item is not present at any skill
* level */
printf("\t%-20.20s", desc); /* Print description */
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (i == 3)
printf(" |");
if (i == 0 || i == 3)
printf(" %5ld", (double1 ? 2 * arry[i] : arry[i]));
printf(" %5ld", arry[i]);
void prtth(int type, char *desc)
/* Prints the description and number of matching things at each
* difficulty level. */
long nd[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; /* Numbers at each difficulty
* level */
countdiff(type, nd);
printitem(desc, nd, 0);
/* If there is at least one thing with id <no>, print the description of the
* thing and the number present at each skill level. */
#define PRINTITEM(desc,arry) printitem(desc,arry,0)
#define PRINTITEM2(desc,arry) printitem(desc,arry,1)
/* Reset an array */
#define RESET(arry) for(i=0; i<6; i++) arry[i]=0
int countthings(void)
/* Counts the things in a level's THINGS data. Returns zero if error. */
long nc[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; /* Number of things counted
* at each skill level */
long wdam[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; /* Total weapon damage at
* each skill level */
float dratio[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; /* Damage ratio for
* difficulty */
int n, i;
/** Player starts **/
printf(" Play modes:\n");
if (countth(1, -1)) /* Find player 1 start */
printf("\tSingle player\n");
n = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { /* Find player 1-4 starts */
if (countth(i, -1))
if (n > 1)
printf("\tCooperative (%d player)\n", n);
n = countth(11, -1); /* Find deathmatch starts */
if (n)
printf("\tDeathmatch (%d starts)\n", n);
/** Monsters **/
printf(" Bosses:\n");
prtth(3003, "Baron");
prtth(16, "Cyberdemon");
prtth(7, "Spiderdemon");
printf(" Monsters:\n");
prtth(3004, "Trooper");
prtth(9, "Sergeant");
prtth(3001, "Imp");
prtth(3002, "Demon");
prtth(58, "Spectre");
prtth(3006, "Lost soul");
prtth(3005, "Cacodemon");
printf(" Weapons:\n");
prtth(2001, "Shotgun");
prtth(2002, "Chaingun");
prtth(2003, "Rocket launcher");
prtth(2004, "Plasma gun");
prtth(2006, "BFG-9000");
prtth(2005, "Chainsaw");
printf(" Equipment:\n");
prtth(8, "Backpack");
prtth(2022, "Invulnerability");
prtth(2023, "Berserk");
prtth(2024, "Invisibility");
prtth(2025, "Radiation suit");
prtth(2026, "Computer map");
prtth(2045, "Lite amp goggles");
printf(" Expendibles:\n");
addcountweighted(2002, nc, 20); /* Chainguns */
addcountweighted(2007, nc, 10); /* Clips */
addcountweighted(2048, nc, 50); /* Boxes of ammo */
addcountweighted(8, nc, 10); /* Backpacks */
addcountweighted(3004, nc, 5); /* Troopers */
PRINTITEM2("Bullets", nc);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
wdam[i] += nc[i]; /* Accumulate damage */
addcountweighted(2001, nc, 8); /* Shotguns */
addcountweighted(2008, nc, 4); /* Shells */
addcountweighted(2049, nc, 20); /* Boxes of shells */
addcountweighted(8, nc, 4); /* Backpacks */
addcountweighted(9, nc, 4); /* Sergeants */
PRINTITEM2("Shells", nc);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
wdam[i] += 7 * nc[i]; /* Accumulate damage */
addcountweighted(2003, nc, 2); /* Rocket launchers */
addcountweighted(2010, nc, 1); /* Rockets */
addcountweighted(2046, nc, 5); /* Boxes of rockets */
addcountweighted(8, nc, 1); /* Backpacks */
PRINTITEM2("Rockets", nc);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
wdam[i] += 20 * nc[i]; /* Accumulate damage */
addcountweighted(2004, nc, 40); /* Plasma guns */
addcountweighted(2006, nc, 40); /* BFG-9000's */
addcountweighted(17, nc, 20); /* Cell packs */
addcountweighted(2047, nc, 100); /* Cell charges */
addcountweighted(8, nc, 20); /* Backpacks */
PRINTITEM2("Cells", nc);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
wdam[i] += 2 * nc[i]; /* Accumulate damage */
addcountweighted(2018, nc, 100); /* Armor */
addcountweighted(2019, nc, 200); /* Super armor */
addcountweighted(2015, nc, 1); /* Armor bonuses */
PRINTITEM2("Armor points", nc);
addcountweighted(2011, nc, 10); /* Stimpacks */
addcountweighted(2012, nc, 25); /* Medikits */
addcountweighted(2013, nc, 100); /* Soul spheres */
addcountweighted(2023, nc, 100); /* Berserk strength */
addcountweighted(2014, nc, 1); /* Health bonuses */
PRINTITEM2("Health points", nc);
prtth(2035, "Barrels");
/* Calculate difficulty based on damage we can do vs. damage required to
* kill all the monsters */
printf(" Difficulty:\n");
addcountweighted(3004, nc, 2); /* Troopers */
addcountweighted(9, nc, 3); /* Sergeants */
addcountweighted(3001, nc, 6); /* Imps */
addcountweighted(3002, nc, 15); /* Demons */
addcountweighted(58, nc, 15); /* Spectres */
addcountweighted(3006, nc, 10); /* Lost souls */
addcountweighted(3005, nc, 40); /* Cacodemons */
addcountweighted(3003, nc, 100); /* Barons */
addcountweighted(16, nc, 400); /* Cyberdemons */
addcountweighted(7, nc, 300); /* Spiderdemons */
PRINTITEM("Total monster hp", nc);
PRINTITEM2("Max ammo damage", wdam);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (!wdam[i])
dratio[i] = (wdam[i] ? (float) nc[i] / (float) wdam[i] : 0); /* Prevent
* divide-by-zero */
printf("\t%-20s %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f", "RATIO", 0.5 * dratio[0], dratio[0], dratio[1], dratio[2]);
printf(" | %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f\n", 0.5 * dratio[3], dratio[3], dratio[4], dratio[5]);
/*** Return success ***/
return 1;
/* Item count */
#define COB(item) countth(item,battr)
/* Print a character if the item is present */
#define PRB0(item,char) printf("%c",(COB(item)?(char):'.'))
/* Print item count, one digit */
#define PRB1(item) {n=COB(item);printf((n>9?"+ ":"%d "),n);}
/* Print item count, two digits */
#define PRB2(item) {n=COB(item);printf((n>99?"++ ":"%2d "),n);}
int countbriefly(void)
/* Counts the things in a level, with one-line output format. Returns
* zero if error. */
long wdam = 0; /* Total weapon damage */
long mhp = 0; /* Total monster hit points */
float dratio; /* Damage ratio */
long l;
int n, i;
/*** Player starts ***/
n = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { /* Find player 1-4 starts */
if (countth(i, -1))
printf(" %d %2ld ", n, countth(0x11, -1)); /* Find deathmatch
* starts */
/*** Monsters ***/
/* Bosses */
/* Monsters */
printf(" ");
/* Weapons */
putchar(' ');
PRB0(2005, '1');
PRB0(2001, '3');
PRB0(2002, '4');
PRB0(2003, '5');
PRB0(2004, '6');
PRB0(2006, '7');
/* Equipment */
printf(" ");
PRB0(8, 'B');
PRB0(2022, 'V');
PRB0(2023, 'S');
PRB0(2024, 'I');
PRB0(2025, 'R');
PRB0(2026, 'A');
PRB0(2045, 'L');
/*** Calculate damage ratio ***/
/** Ammo from all sources **/
l = 20 * COB(2002) + 10 * COB(2007) + 50 * COB(2048) + 10 * COB(8) + 5 * COB(3004);
wdam += l; /* Bullets */
l = 8 * COB(2001) + 4 * COB(2008) + 20 * COB(2049) + 4 * COB(8) + 4 * COB(9);
wdam += 7 * l; /* Shells */
l = 2 * COB(2003) + COB(2010) + 5 * COB(2046) + COB(8);
wdam += 20 * l; /* Rockets */
l = 40 * COB(2004) + 40 * COB(2006) + 20 * COB(17) + 100 * COB(2047) + 20 * COB(8);
wdam += 2 * l; /* Cell packs */
/** Monster hit points **/
mhp = 2 * COB(3004) + 3 * COB(9) + 6 * COB(3001) + 15 * COB(3002) + 15 * COB(58)
+ 10 * COB(3006) + 40 * COB(3005) + 100 * COB(3003) + 400 * COB(16) + 300 * COB(7);
dratio = (wdam ? (float) mhp / (float) wdam : 0); /* Make sure we don't
* divide by zero */
if (isbrief == 1)
dratio *= 0.5; /* Twice as much ammo in easiest
* level */
printf(" %0.3f\n", dratio);
/*** Return success ***/
return 1;
int countlinedefs(FILE * f, long offs, long len)
/* Counts the interesting linedefs in a map's LINEDEFS data. Returns
* zero if error. */
long savepos = ftell(f); /* Save position in WAD file */
long nlines = len / 14; /* Total number of linedefs */
long ntrig = 0; /* Number of linedefs which do something */
int ibuf[7];
long l;
/*** Seek to the LINEDEFS data and loop through the linedefs ***/
fseek(f, offs, SEEK_SET);
for (l = 0; l < nlines; l++) {
fread(ibuf, sizeof(int), 7, f); /* Read a linedef */
if (ibuf[3])
/*** Print information ***/
printf("\tTriggers / linedefs %4ld / %4ld\n", ntrig, nlines);
/*** Seek to original file position and return success ***/
fseek(f, savepos, SEEK_SET);
return 1; /* Success */
int countsectors(FILE * f, long offs, long len)
/* Counts the interesting sectors in a map's SECTORS data. Returns zero
* if error. */
long savepos = ftell(f); /* Save position in WAD file */
long nsec = len / 26;/* Total number of sectors */
long bright = 0; /* Average brightness */
long nnuke = 0; /* Sectors with nukeage */
long nsecret = 0; /* Secret sectors */
int ibuf[13];
long l;
/*** Seek to the SECTORS data and loop through the sectors ***/
fseek(f, offs, SEEK_SET);
for (l = 0; l < nsec; l++) {
fread(ibuf, sizeof(int), 13, f);/* Read a sector */
bright += ibuf[10]; /* Accumulate brightness */
switch (ibuf[11]) { /* Check for specials */
case 4: /* -20%, blinking */
case 5: /* -10% */
case 7: /* -5% */
case 11: /* -20%, end of level */
case 16: /* -20% */
case 9: /* Secret */
/*** Print information ***/
printf("\tAverage brightness %4ld (0=dark, 255=bright)\n", bright / nsec);
printf("\tSecrets %4ld\n", nsecret);
printf("\tNukeage / sectors %4ld / %4ld\n", nnuke, nsec);
/*** Seek to original file position and return success ***/
fseek(f, savepos, SEEK_SET);
return 1; /* Success */
int PrintAllStuff(FILE * f)
/* Prints all information for a map. Returns zero if error. */
/*** Print things ***/
if (thlen) {
if (loadthings(f, thoff, thlen)) { /* Load things */
if (isbrief)
countbriefly(); /* Print brief counts */
countthings(); /* Print verbose counts */
freethings(); /* Free array, restore original file
* position */
/*** If brief info, return now (no extended info) ***/
if (isbrief)
return 1;
/*** Print other info ***/
printf(" Other info:\n");
if (selen)
countsectors(f, seoff, selen);
if (ldlen)
countlinedefs(f, ldoff, ldlen);
printf("\tReject resource %s\n", (rjlen > 0 ? "YES" : " NO"));
/*** Return success ***/
return 1;
int handlepwad(char *fname)
/* Handles a PWAD file. Returns zero if error. */
int ispwad = 0; /* Are we a PWAD? (or an IWAD) */
long ndirent; /* Number of entries in WAD directory */
long diroffs; /* Offset of directory in WAD file */
long eoffs, elen; /* Offset and length of a directory entry */
char ename[9] = "entrynam"; /* Name of the entry */
int episode = 0, mission = 0; /* Current episode and
* mission */
FILE *f;
int i, j;
/*** Open the PWAD file ***/
f = fopen(fname, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", fname);
return 0;
/*** Read the header ***/
fread(buf, sizeof(char), 4, f);
if (!strncmp(buf, "IWAD", 4)) {
ispwad = 0;
} else if (!strncmp(buf, "PWAD", 4)) {
ispwad = 1;
} else {
printf("%s is not a DOOM WAD file\n", fname);
return 0;
if (!isbrief) { /* Start a new filename in the output */
printf("%cWAD FILE %s:\n", (ispwad ? 'P' : 'I'), fname);
fread(&ndirent, sizeof(long), 1, f);/* Number of entries in WAD dir */
fread(&diroffs, sizeof(long), 1, f);/* Offset of directory in WAD */
/*** Print the WAD directory ***/
fseek(f, diroffs, SEEK_SET); /* Go to the directory */
for (i = 0; i < ndirent; i++) {
/** Read entry **/
fread(&eoffs, sizeof(long), 1, f); /* Offset of entry's data */
fread(&elen, sizeof(long), 1, f); /* Length of entry's data */
fread(&ename, sizeof(char), 8, f); /* Name of entry */
/** If entry is part of a level, print it **/
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (!strcmp(ename, contents[j]))
break; /* Matched valid contents for a level */
switch (j) {
case 10: /* Not level contents */
if (!mission)
/** Look at all the stuff we found **/
/** Reset status **/
thlen = ldlen = selen = rjlen = 0;
episode = mission = 0; /* No longer in a level */
case 0: /* THINGS */
thoff = eoffs;
thlen = elen;
case 1: /* LINEDEFS */
ldoff = eoffs;
ldlen = elen;
case 7: /* SECTORS */
seoff = eoffs;
selen = elen;
case 8: /* REJECT */
rjlen = elen;
/** Keep track of which mission we're looking at **/
if (ename[0] == 'E' && isdigit(ename[1]) && ename[2] == 'M' &&
isdigit(ename[3]) && ename[4] == '\0') {
episode = ename[1] - '0';
mission = ename[3] - '0';
if (isbrief) { /* One-line output */
printf("%-12.12s E%dM%d", fname, episode, mission);
} else { /* Verbose output */
printf("EPISODE %d MISSION %d S1 S2 S3 S45 | M1 M2 M3 M45\n", episode, mission);
/*** Look at all the stuff we found from the last map, if any ***/
if (mission)
thlen = ldlen = selen = rjlen = 0;
/*** Close the file and return success ***/
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct ffblk ff;
int i;
/*** Make sure we've been given a filename ***/
printf("WADWHAT 1.1 by Randall R. Spangler (rspangle@micro.caltech.edu)\n");
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Prints the contents of a WAD file or files.\n");
printf("Usage:\n\twadwhat [-Bn[M]] file1 [file2 ...]\n");
printf("\n\t\t-Bn\tbrief contents at skill level n\n");
printf("\t\t-BnM\tbrief contents at skill level n, multiplayer\n");
return 1;
/*** Match all wildcards ***/
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
/** See if we're an option **/
if (!strnicmp(argv[i], "-B", 2)) { /* Print briefly */
isbrief = atoi(argv[i] + 2);/* Extract skill level */
printf("File Map Play Bosses Monsters Weapons Equip RATIO\n");
battr = battrarry[isbrief - 1]; /* Matching attributes for
* brief printout */
if (toupper(argv[i][3]) == 'M')
battr |= 0x10; /* Add in multi-player stuff */
/** Make sure at least one matching file exists **/
if (findfirst(argv[i], &ff, FA_ARCH)) { /* No match for wildcard */
fprintf(stderr, "Can't find file matching %s\n", argv[i]);
/** Handle all the matching files **/
do {
} while (!findnext(&ff));
/*** Return success ***/
return 0;